
Prepare for the Future of Digital Measurement with GA4

You may have already seen the blue warning in the Google Analytics interface, announcing an official deadline for the migration from Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4:

If you have been following the updates regarding the deprecation of Universal Analytics, then perhaps this was no surprise to you. If you haven’t been following as closely, you might be wondering what this means for your business. Either way, an official deadline means we no longer have a choice to “wait and see” what happens with GA4; we all need to accept our new reality and be ready when July 2023 shows up at our doorstep.

GA4 is a modern solution to digital analytics, putting user privacy and machine learning at the forefront. GA4 offers data-driven attribution in the free version (a feature that was once reserved for GA360 users only), empowering marketers to move beyond first and last click attribution models. A few other features we like are free Big Query integration for data storage and blending with other sources, and forward and backward pathing.

If you have an app, GA4 offers the ability to combine data streams from both websites and apps, providing a holistic view of your audiences’ interactions with your brand as they navigate from your app to your website. This was not possible with Universal Analytics, and is a major benefit to the new offering.

While GA4 is a complete departure from Universal Analytics, we believe that it is a necessary transition and good for both digital marketers and key stakeholders alike.

While the migration from Universal Analytics to GA4 might feel overwhelming and a bit scary, there is no better time to build your organization’s best analytics strategy from the ground up (almost). This is a great opportunity to redefine KPIs, clean up your reports, and remind internal stakeholders of the importance of measurement.

What This Means for the Healthcare & Pharma Industry 

Data is king in the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries. Having access to numbers of patients for a certain disease state, rates of media consumption, impressions served or ad recall scores, are what make the pharmaceutical world go round. Real data is needed throughout all facets of the industry and GA4 rises to the occasion to provide that, all while maintaining patient privacy. It allows for more insight into how patients and key stakeholders are engaging online, which is an extremely important component of successfully communicating in this overcrowded and often untrusted space. It also enables patient care.

Most healthcare providers offer a digital journey for their patients. Mobile apps and online platforms are commonplace to accompany doctor’s visits as they now host test results, treatment options, prescription refills and online scheduling. Providing an optimal digital experience for patients is essential to the future of their care. For the first time, GA4 provides the opportunity to connect app data with website data to analyze them together, allowing us to better understand the user journey. 

Examples like this make us think that the takeover of GA4 should be a welcome change for the healthcare industry. It provides deeper insights into website engagement and better analysis of trends as they relate to important target populations, among other incredible features. GA4 will empower companies and brands to better reach and appeal to key audiences, like patients, who rely on technology to access information related to their health. The evolution of analytics could lead to providing increased education and awareness, as well as even extended access to treatment and improved lives. 

To find out more about getting started with Google Analytics or switching over to GA4, contact us at [email protected].