RIESTER’s ‘My Time’ commercial for Global Blood Therapeutics’ (GBT) Oxbryta is the first-ever branded television commercial created specifically to highlight a new sickle cell disease therapy. Sickle cell is a condition that disproportionately impacts the Black community in the U.S. and around the world. It is a complex, debilitating disease and people who live with this condition often must also overcome the stigma associated with it. GBT’s new therapy, Oxbryta, is the first and only treatment option available for sickle cell patients that treats the disease at the source and works to prevent the sickling process.
Production of the ‘My Time’ commercial was entirely guided by the real experiences of sickle cell patients who have seen positive results from taking Oxbryta. Experiences that RIESTER’s research team heard first-hand from patients, some of whom were cast for this commercial. The 60-second commercial aims to encourage all sickle cell patients to imagine the possibilities that come with the use of the oral therapy Oxbryta, summarized in a simple phrase: “It’s your time to experience less sickling.”